Congratulations! Your skills and experience are a match. You will compete with several other candidates, and telephone interviews are much more difficult to “sell yourself” in than in-person interviews. Your phone interview may be compared with candidates the client interviews in person.
Think you will benefit from a practice interview? Contact your ESC Recruiter to schedule a mock interview!
Get as much information about the client and the job as possible before the interview.
Ask your ESC Recruiter or the Account Manager questions about the opening and the company.
Visit the client’s website.
We will provide you with a copy of the profile we have created for you and presented to the client.
Be sure to take the time to read it and to know your consultant profile (resume).
Have two pens and a notepad to jot down any information you need to remember during the interview.
Have your ESC resume in front of you.
Use a land connection phone if possible.
If using a cell phone, please ensure that you have good reception and
Do not use Bluetooth.
Free yourself from distractions.
If at the office, be located where you will not be disturbed or distracted.
If at home, have no children present and turn off radios and televisions.
Practice, practice, practice!
The greeting should be short, but it is essential. It should contain these steps:
Say the interviewer’s name
Say your name (if the interviewer doesn’t).
Example: “Ms. Jones? I’m Martha Smith. I’m glad to meet you.”
To break the ice and be remembered, you may use the line, “I want you to know that I am wearing a brand new suit for this interview.”
Smile! Your facial expression will show through your voice on the phone, so have a pleasant and relaxed expression.
Being Interviewed
Be prepared.
Be early. Be ready at least five minutes before the scheduled time.
Speak distinctly and somewhat slower than usual.
Listen carefully to the questions before answering.
Think before answering the question.
Be sure your response answers the question directly.
Show enthusiasm.
Enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being further considered.
Keep your answers brief and to the point but avoid one-word answers.
Silence over the phone is a huge negative.
If you need time to think, say so. “Let me think on that” or “Give me a moment to organize my thoughts.”
Avoid over or under-selling your abilities.
Stress your accomplishments.
Try never to answer a question with “no.” Instead, relate a similar accomplishment or task that you have done.
Ask questions regarding the project.
Let the interviewer know that you are interested in the position.
Thank the interviewer for his or her time and consideration.
If you have answered the two questions— “Why are you interested in this position?” and “What can you offer?” — You have done all you can.
If the unavoidable should happen and you are running late: Contact your ESC Recruiter immediately.
Often, the client is not an experienced interviewer or is not technical and will not always ask the right questions: If possible, mention the job and why you think your qualifications make you the best fit.